About us

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Our Mission

Speed up and optimise the accuracy of drug development

Our ethos is to speed up and optimise the accuracy of drug development as a process. We believe this is most readily achieved by building tools that enable drug development teams to find the optimal route for their assets at every stage of the lifecycle.

Our Suite of Products

The next generation of drug development tools

Our suite of products work together to enable drug developers to make decisions with unprecedented speed and accuracy.

How are we achieving this?

Accuracy and transparency are at the heart of everything we do.

Our breakthrough product InovaSight is setting a new standard in how technology can be used to augment the work of drug developers. The Inovia approach is rooted in the fact that drug developers demand tools that demonstrably amplify signals. in the haystack of noise.

Imad Faghmous

Co-founder & CEO

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Antonio Nicolae

Co-founder & CTO

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"InovaSight gives drug developers a map
for positioning their